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Monday, April 9, 2012

Profile for Your Durarara!! Characters, part 1

Yo! Just as I was saying, I'm gonna' start off simple by giving out profiles for a certain anime, and will of course divide it into certain parts. Want an anime profile done? Request, people! That's what makes us want to continue work! Okay, no more chit-chat, let's start off now. The first character will be our beloved underground informant that has a bit of a twisted mind...*drum roll*

Orihara Izaya

Age: 23 (claims to be forever 21)
Birthday: 4th May
Hobby: Human observation
Likes: Humans, humans, and more humans
Dislikes: Heiwajima Shizuo, eyes of dead fish
            A guy who sells information for his own enjoyment. He really loves the entire human race except for Shizuo (whom he always called a monster), and puts his lovely humans in some miserable conditions just to observe their reactions
           He also has a chinese Go board with Chess, Othello, and Shogi pieces. I know, weird right? And he plays it by itself. The rules he made by himself. He even set fire to his board game in his excitement!
     Okay, weird informant who's very manipulative, done! Next is the Strongest Man in Ikebukuro--

Heiwajima Shizuo

Age: 24
Birthday: 28th January
Hobby: Basking in the sun
Likes: Running, relaxing, Heiwajima Kasuka
Dislikes: Orihara Izaya, violence, gambling
            A guy with a short temper and inhuman strength (must be the reason Izaya calls him a monster). He's really calm when not angered, it, 'kay? And, he also have amazing parkour skills rom years of hunting down Izaya.
      Next, is our beloved Yellow Scarves leader--

Masaomi Kida

Age: 16
Brithday: 19th June
Interests: Skirt chasing
Motto: "Love is a leveler"
           Kida is Mikado's childhood friend, and he's quite an easy going guy. He's the leader of the Yellow Scarves. He likes flirting with older girls and women, although his passes are rarely taken.
     Okay, now, last one for part 1: The one, the only--

Ryuugamine Mikado

Age: 16
Birthday: 21st March
Hobby: Net surfing
Likes: Living a different life
Dislikes: Living a normal life
     Mikado grew up in the small town Saitama, and led a normal life that he grew bored with. Mikado accepted Kida's invitation to Ikebukuro, hoping for a more exciting life.
     He created the online group Dollars at middle school. He created it with some friends as a joke, but shortly after, the group grew at a very alarming rate, all because know, Izaya, of course.

   Well, that's all for the Durarara!! part 1, sorry for the mistakes! I'm new here! Don't push it! Well, I'll see you guys later! So, enjoy!

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